Hey there!
I am a Full Stack / Solidity Developer with 3+ years of professional experience in MERN Stack and Solidity development.
Over the following years, I've spent a large amount of time and effort growing my MERN Stack development toolbox, to the point where I'm now very comfortable with:
➡️ Creating Semantic and accessible robust web apps with MERN stack
➡️ Implementing any custom design with any CSS library or with pure CSS.
➡️ Developing complex web applications using modern JS frameworks/library like Next, Gatsby, React
➡️ Using My Problem solving and communication skills to tackle any web-related challenge
➡️ Shipping high-quality and performant websites for everyone to use
➡️ Sharing my knowledge, learnings, and experiences online for others to benefit
JavaScript, React, Nextjs, Nodejs, Express, MongoDB, Postgres SQL, Aws Lambda, Aws DynamoDb, TypeScript, Git & Github, Rest, Solidity, Web3js, Socket.io, Firebase, Jira, Basecamp, Trello, Asana, NoSql
A Fully functional Shoping Site Using React and Stripe. Where user can login/Signup and buy thier essential Product online buy paying amount.
This app can attch your affiliate Tag with any Amazon Product link and also remove another's tag from link, and provide you a short Link
This Site make's my imaginary presence to My visitors. Also a HighLevel Resume on the Web
ReactProject : A Simple Group Message App where you can talk to you friends in Group at realTime
A simple APP where you can SignUp/Login and share a pic with a caption and also comment on other's post
INPUT: const argument = process.argv console.log(argument) Enter fullscreen mode ...
Pre-requirements: Digital Ocean Account AA Panel Nameserver Management Step 1: Create a Digital...
What is a Swap? Swap is a space on a disk that is used when the amount of physical RAM mem...
This is how I use the best efficiency of Vs Code. If you are using Vs Code as your IDE then...
In this Blog, we gonna tell you the best way to write a javaScript code which I learned till...
⭐ I always believe that a good developer is not only being a great programmer but also possessing gre...
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CSE 2019 Batch
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Namami Gange
If you've read about my profile so far and you found it interesting, studies show that knowing what type of music a person listens to would say a lot about them.
Also, I've been known for my good taste in music and I've always wanted to share the latest and greatest hits through an easy medium, so here's a Spotify Playlist I've created called My Everyday: A dynamic playlist of what's on my daily roster of music.